Today, a limited -time scarf scarf ring for a limited time (up to 2023.8.20)

All items 15 % OFF SALE It is information!

* Since it will be a fair -limited fair, it will be a fair, so it is more than our Rakuten shop.
You can purchase the cheapest.

Hermès' boyfriends, CHANEL, DIOR, FENDI, etc.
All are eligible!


Here CHECK with all scarves from☜


Towards the season when it will be more and more light clothes
A scarf that becomes one -point accent.

I want to keep one in my daily outfit that tends to be rut!

You can use it for a lifetime, and of course, as well as everyday use.
Even in occasion scenes such as weddings and parties
It is recommended because it is determined elegantly♪

Proper information and recommended staff from Instagram
Please check it out as soon as possible!