Recommended for smokers! Writer special feature!



Smoking is becoming a private hobby habit these days when smoking in public is restricted. However, the essential item that is indispensable for smokers is a writer. There are various types of words with the writer. So, this time I would like to introduce such a writer.


There are two types of lighter fuel, "gas" and "oil"

Writers are broadly divided into "gas writers" and "oil lighters" by burning fuel.

In the gas lighter, flammable liquefied oil gas with butan as the main component. It is liquid in the lighter tank, but it will be evaporated when released into the air.
On the other hand, the oil lighter is used by hexane -based evaporative fuel, which is the main component of petroleum and naphtha. For those who are worried about the unique odor of oil, each manufacturer offers products that reduce odor.


Three ignition methods of writers

The basic structure of a writer is to ignite fuel such as gas and oil with sparks. There are three types of mechanisms that generate this spark, "Flint type", "electronic type", and "inner combustion type".

The "flint type" is a method of igniting with a flint (fire stone), and is ignited by the rotation type file and rubs it to the fuel. The fuel can be used for both gas and oil.

"Electronic type" is a mechanism that causes spark discharge and ignites a spark discharge using a "piezoelectric element" that produces high voltage by giving impacts. It only supports gas lighters and cannot be used for oil lighters.


In this way, the fuel and ignition method are also characteristic, and the convenience varies depending on the scene where you use it indoors, outdoors, or use it in your room or want to use it on the go. Then, I will introduce each type.


 Oil lighter

As the name implies, an oil lighter is an oil lighter. The ignition method is a flint type, and the oil is ignited by the oil as fuel. Because the firepower is strong in the wind and the firepower is stable, it can be said that it is a writer suitable for outdoors. It is troublesome to add oil or replace the core and fire stone, but it is also a feature of this writer that it is hard to break down. In addition, the taste comes out as you use it, and many people like the unique oil odor when igniting to cigarettes. And speaking of oil lightersZippoIs famous. Because the design is diverse, many people are collected as a collection.




As the name suggests, the gas writer is a writer who uses flammable gas with butan gas as the main component. The ignition method has a flint type and an electronic type, and there are various types, from disposable items to refilled luxury writers. It is suitable for indoor use because it is weak in the wind. A simple 100 yen writer is good, but the brand writer is better than disposable, and the luxury unique to a brand writer turns smoking time into a more satisfying time. The satisfaction of owning good things is irreplaceable for men. In addition, there are various brands and various designs, so many people collect this as an oil lighter. 


Turbo writer



As for the turbo writer, the fuel uses combustible gas with butan gas as the main component like the gas lighter. It is a mechanism that burns completely in the tube, and is characterized by high -temperature pale flames. Unlike a general gas writer, it is less likely to be affected by the wind, so it is suitable for outdoor leisure such as camping, mountain climbing, fishing. Convenient when smoking outdoors. Like the gas lighter, there are various types, from disposable items to replenishment ceremony.


USB rechargeable writer

There are two USB rechargeable writers that have appeared in recent years that ignite with an electromotive wire without using fire, or a type that ignites with plasma. Since electricity is used as fuel, it can be used repeatedly by charging, but when an electrical life comes, it is over. This is also a structure that is not affected by the wind like the turbo writer. It is also attractive that it is sold from a few hundred yen despite repeated use.


How was it?

You can see that the writer has different characteristics depending on the type. Why don't you look for a writer that suits your lifestyle again?


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